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VoteTo logo


Dev: @Narsiq#5638

Vote to determine a specific user action. Actions include kick (aka disconnect from voice, not a ban), mute, deafen, mute + deafen, and kiss.

All users can vote to perform one of these actions against the tagged user. The voting period currently lasts 15 seconds.



VoteTo logo


Dev: @Narsiq#5638

Play a classic game of Rock Paper Scissors against other members in the guild.

Tag another user to start the challenge request. Participants move react to a dm from the bot to move. Results revealed to the chat channel where the challenge was initiated.



FortuneCookie logo


Dev: @Narsiq#5638

Retrieve a beautifully curated fortune based on unfathomable cosmic events. Totally not random at all :). We tap the cosmos often for new intel to help keep your future fresh.

Fortunes are interpreted and elegantly delivered via a message with an accommodating set of lucky numbers.



VoteTo logo


Dev: @Narsiq#5638

Provides horoscope info for sun signs such as Lucky Number, Lucky Color, Mood, Color, Compatibility with other sun signs, description of a sign for that day, etc.

Support for weekly, monthly, and yearly readings will be added eventually.



8Ball logo


Dev: @Narsiq#5638

The 8Ball bot carefully determines the correct answer to your desired question just like a Magic 8-Ball.

The bot is fun and easy to use. All free!

Simply add the bot to your server and type "!8b" into a text channel.



FreeGames logo


Dev: @Narsiq#5638

FreeGames bot will dive into the deep depths of the internet to find you free games.

Automatically posts the free game each week in a text channel. On-Demand request as well.



What is a Discord bot?

A Discord bot is a program that acts as a Discord user on a selected server. The bot will respond to a specific command and perform an action in return.

How do I add a Discord bot to a server?

Click the "Invite Bot" button from the bot's summary card. This will open a new invite window from Discord with the option to add this bot on any server you are an admin on. Admin privileges are required in order the add the bot. Some bots have an option to add the bot directly from Discord by clicking on the bot's profile and clicking the add the bot button. This bot must be present on another server to locate it's profile. The developers of the bot must enable this option.

How do I use the Discord bot?

After you invite the bot, you can use the bot's commands to perform a requested action. Each bot will have a prefix listed in the bot summary card. Use this prefix combined with the action name to trigger a respone. For example, when using the VoteTo bot, type "!vthelp" to open the VoteTo help page. Available commands and other information for the VoteTo bot will be returned.

Discord Bots website is not affiliated with Discord Inc.